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Matrix Management

Operating efficiently in a complex business environment with multiple reporting lines, different geographies, and competing demands.




There’s nothing new about matrixed organizational struc­tures. They have been the norm for decades. But the pas­sage of time has not lessened the challenges associated with working in a matrix — or with making a matrix work.  A matrix that functions effectively is the most flexible and nimble of organizational structures, and one with the greatest potential to deliver innovation. In our programs, participants are introduced to tools and systems that function as fluid, “low overhead” ways to reduce friction, and the supporting skills, as individuals and teams work across business units and functions.

Key topics include:

  • Clarifying decision-making roles, rights, and responsibilities
  • Ensuring commitments are clear to all parties involved, from those responsible for meeting them to those depending upon their execution
  • Achieving multi-party alignment
  • Developing creative solutions that address conflicting goals and priorities of multiple constituencies
  • Best practices for conflict resolution and effective issue escalation

Click below to experience some of our content:

Matrix Framework