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Sales and Account Management

We make sales better.

We provide consulting and training solutions that address the critical challenges Sales and Account Management teams confront: Optimizing your sales organization, accelerating growth from new product launches and acquisitions, negotiating and closing deals, strengthening customer relationships, and enhancing your team’s selling and communications skills to make it all repeatable and sustainable.

We understand your sales challenges. Our proven approaches solve them.

  • Transform sales capability to sell value.
  • Implement strategic account management programs.
  • Enable territory-level business planning and strategies.
  • Build strategies for organizational sales challenges such as price increases, supply shortages, new competitive entrants, and channel and partner selling.
  • Equip sellers with the information they need to engage customers on new products.
  • Choreograph the optimal customer conversation for new products.
  • Leverage a proven methodology for engaging customers, understanding needs, demonstrating value, and closing deals.
  • Train salespeople to articulate new solution value propositions, while managing customer objections.
  • Align Sales, Marketing, and Product around the launch process

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  • Become an Extraordinary Presenter® and a Breakthrough Communicator.
  • Master storytelling techniques to defend value.
  • Conduct more engaging customer conversations and meetings.
  • Craft more strategic messages to influence, persuade, and build trust.
  • Maximizing negotiation leverage and value
  • Defending and winning RFPs
  • Extreme negotiation
  • Competitive Selling
  • Value selling
  • Scenario planning and war gaming
  • Deal design  
We wrote the book on negotiation! Learn more
  • Develop strategies and plans to take share and grow accounts.
  • Enable value discovery and innovation with customers.
  • Launch go-to-market partnerships and key customer relationships.
  • Turn around troubled customer relationships.
  • Negotiations
  • Influence and Stakeholder Management
  • Executive Presence
  • Difficult Customer Conversations
  • Conducting Impactful Meetings
  • C-Suite Selling
  • Empathy, Curiosity, and Emotional Intelligence
  • Internal Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking and Business Planning
  • Adaptability through Change  
Visit our Sales Academy to see full curriculum to choose from.

We unlock value and accelerate sales revenue for our clients.

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Implemented organization-wide sales methodology and updated competency maps, leading to $1 billion in new revenue and retaining $500 million in at-risk business.
revenue breakdown - donut chart
Built top-to-bottom organizational capability and approach for sales and customer engagement, driving $1.6 billion in new business, retaining $531 million in at-risk business, and $135 million in additional value uncovered.
profit increase graphic
Rolled out stakeholder mapping, pricing and negotiation frameworks, driving €45MM+ profit uplift in three European markets and 18% price premium over target floor.

Our work with Sales and Account Management teams drives results, and we pride ourselves on being collaborative, creative, and fun to work with. 

Groundbreaking Research. Proven Best Practices. Decades of Sales Experience.

Articles by Vantage executives regularly appear in Harvard Business Review, SAMA Velocity, MIT Sloan Management Review, and California Management Review, among other leading journals. Groundbreaking Vantage research includes our Cross-Selling, Value of Pricing Discipline, and Negotiation studies.

See Our Articles and Research

Our Sales Academy

The Vantage Sales and Account Management Academy develops skills such as customer discovery, value selling, negotiation, communications excellence, influence, sales leadership and strategic account management. We tailor our proprietary frameworks and tools to your organization’s needs and existing sales processes. We continually assess progress and measure business impact to maximize learning ROI.

Global Learning. Local Instructors.

Wherever your people are, Vantage training teams are there, ready to deliver.

20+ languages

50+ countries

20,000+ people trained annually


96% say our facilitators are ‘knowledgeable and comfortable teaching the subject matter’


95% would recommend Vantage training to a colleague

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We make sales better. Let’s discuss how we can help.